Kaizen Reports


Create an easy to use, step-by-step plan to document and summarize continuous improvement activities. Share and spread best practices across an organization, division or group.

Best Use: Continuous Improvement
Set up: Log into your CEx account and click on ‘Kaizen’

Kaizen – a Japanese word meaning “change for the better”.  It is a proven Continuous Improvement practice based on the idea that big results come from small changes over time. It is a key pillar of the Shoplogix solution and essential as a long-term strategy to sustain Continuous Improvement initiatives.

The Shoplogix Kaizen is a practice that builds sustainability into the process so you can track and measure progress throughout the Continuous Improvement journey.

Shoplogix offers an online Kaizen (A3) form where you can document the details behind every improvement including:  Target Condition, Current Condition and Analysis (PDCA) – Plan, Do, Check, Act.


  • Easily create and edit online Kaizen reports
  • Share reports via e-mail or PDF
  • Collaborate and assign read/write permissions
  • Save and review reports in one centralized location


  • Improve standards and develop more efficient procedures
  • Tap into employee creativity to generate ideas to make improvements
  • Quantify savings and opportunities based on a well-defined process and documented business case
  • Contribute to a corporate culture of continuous improvement

Kaizen Best Practices:

PLAN: Develop a hypothesis
DO: Run experiment
CHECK: Evaluate results
ACT: Take action and refine your process

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