When implementing any new technology, organizations need internal buy-in and a shift in culture to ensure that the new processes and ways of operating are fully embraced by employees. This reality is certainly true for manufacturers who are trying to transform their plants into digitized ‘Smart Factories’. We at Shoplogix recognize that there are opportunities for us to support change management and employee adoption of our cloud-based smart factory software.
We are thrilled to introduce a new Navigation and On-Screen Help Guides to optimize daily user utilization of the software and to make sure our customers are getting the most out of the system.
“We are constantly improving our smart factory software functionality to meet the changing needs of our customers. Our focus is always to determine which jobs you are trying to accomplish in your daily work and improve our software to make these jobs easier. The new user-friendly and intuitive features were developed to help new users at all levels, from manufacturing operators, shift supervisors to executives to adopt Shoplogix just as fast as our super users and save time during the onboarding process.” – Magnus Sandberg, CEO, Shoplogix
Here’s a sneak peek of the latest Shoplogix updates…
Easily Navigate To All Levels At Your Plant
When you click either an area, line or a machine, all the available screens are shown and users can quickly navigate to the desired screen right away.

Save Time Jumping Between Screens
When viewing an Area, Line, or Machine, you can quickly jump to related items simply by using the colored dots at the top-right of the screen. This allows you to easily flip through all the data relevant to the machine, line, or area that you care about the most.
This is especially useful for manufacturing operators and shift supervisors who may not always have computers or keyboards nearby (especially on the shop-floor). Other benefits include:
- Instant access to all information needed to hold a Shif Meeting.
- Operators can easily view productivity data in real-time to ensure OEE goals are being met.
- Seamless navigation between screens.

Access Shoplogix Help Guides Whenever You Need
Our new step-by-step help guides make it easy to onboard new employees or refresh your current users of the software on all of Shoplogix’s capabilities (language support coming soon).
These help guides fill the current onboarding gap in most manufacturing plants. When you hire new operators or supervisors, it’s difficult enough to onboard these new employees on their daily work responsibilities, let alone train them on manufacturing software.
The short on-screen walkthroughs (typically only thirty seconds long) allow your employees to learn exactly how they can use Shoplogix software to provide upper management with important visibility.
For example, our walk-throughs can show operators exactly how to enter downtime reasons and ‘assigned’ down to specific minutes in time so your shift supervisors can better understand why a certain machine was down during a shift.

About Shoplogix
Shoplogix is re-defining the manufacturing industry by making the Smart Factory platform the cornerstone of digital production performance transformation. By empowering manufacturers to visualize, integrate, and act on production performance in real-time, Shoplogix helps to uncover hidden shop floor potential and drive rapid time to value. Contact us to learn how a connected smart factory platform can transform the way you see, analyze and interpret real-time data in your manufacturing operations.